Woman on computer looking at special needs planning insights report

Help your loved one living with a disability live their best life

Millions of Americans live with disabilities that may make long-term financial security more complex. Intentional planning can help them live their best lives, balancing their future needs and goals without jeopardizing potential governmental benefits or structured settlements. 

A new wealth insights guidebook on special needs planning from RBC Wealth Management can help you develop a customized plan for your family member or other loved one who's living with a disability. This resource outlines five steps for an effective plan. Access the guide now to help you get started.

Also contact me for support in setting up your plan or reviewing an existing plan.

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This site provides an overview of available content and is not meant to be representative of an actual website.

Maximize your IRA contributions to take advantage of tax benefits

With tax season approaching, now is a good time to review your Traditional or Roth IRA contributions before you file your taxes. You can make your 2024 contributions until April 15, 2025, and you may lower your tax bill. If you are under 50, you can maximize your IRA contributions up to $7,000. If you are 50 and older, you can contribute up to $8,000.

By maxing out your IRA contributions before the April tax deadline, you can give your money more time to deliver tax-deferred, compounded growth. Over time, that can potentially add up. Contact me to discuss the possibility of maximizing your 2024 traditional and Roth IRA contributions before April 15, 2025.

Tax mailing dates

With tax season upon us, you may be wondering when to expect your documents. Take a look at the chart below for an estimated mailing date and feel free to call me with any questions or to discuss what tax strategies we can implement to lower your taxable income in 2025.

Tax reporting document Approximate availability date
Form 1099-R January 31, 2025
Fair Market Value Statement January 31 2025
1099 Tax Information Summary February 18, 2025
Income Summary (FYI Statement) February 28, 2025
REMIC Tax Information Summary March 15, 2025
1042-S April 1, 2025
Revised 1099 Tax Information Summary
(tax year 2024 - revision 1)
On or about March 15, 2025
Revised 1099 Tax Information Summary
(tax year 2024 - revision 2)
On or about April 5, 2025
5498 June 1, 2025
Revised 1099 Tax Information Summary
(tax years 2021 – 2024)
Monthly, beginning May 2025

Competitive rates for your cash

Managing your day-to-day cash is a critical component of your wealth management plan. To help make sure your cash is working for you, RBC Wealth Management offers a cash sweep program that provides competitive interest rates. Visit RBC Insured Deposits to view our program Terms and Conditions and our current rates.

Discover your Total Wealth

RBC Total Wealth is a way to view your complete financial picture. See your RBC Wealth Management accounts - along with your accounts at other financial institutions you choose to add-all in one convenient place.

The North America Family Office Report 2024

Learn about trends impacting family offices in the U.S. and Canada, including succession planning, strategy shifts, strengthening governance and new technologies.

Explore the family office landscape >

Honoring community heroes for MLS All-Star

Making a difference matters to RBC Wealth Management and our employees. Learn how we’re honoring community changemakers with the 2024 MLS All-Star Hometown Heroes Showcase, presented by RBC Wealth Management.

Discover our 2024 MLS All-Star Hometown Heroes >

Explore responsible investing

Responsible investing Wealth Insights workbookAccess our guide designed to help you better understand and identify steps you can take to invest with purpose. This workbook contains a sustainability questionnaire to assist in evaluating what’s most important to you.

Download the guide

Have you switched jobs recently?

If so, it’s important to know where your assets are, and where they are going. Call us today to discuss the advantages, disadvantages and potential tax consequences of your IRA rollover options, and how they will affect your retirement. Together we will carefully choose the option that best fits your needs and retirement goals.

2024 / 2025 dollar limitations for retirement plans

Some new limitations will apply to retirement plans and other benefit plans in 2025 as a result of cost-of-living adjustments made by the IRS and the Social Security Administration. Learn more about the limits for 2025.

What is important to you?

Professional wealth management helps you answer this question, prioritize your objectives and prepare to accomplish them. Helping with the financial side of achieving those goals is central to everything I do. I often help my clients:

  • plan for retirement, including the creation of an income stream;
  • fund an education for a loved one;
  • prepare for a major purchase;
  • protect their family or income; and
  • create a legacy to be remembered by.

Please contact me today to discuss how I can help you reach your goals.

Strength you can trust

Distinguished by a long heritage of financial integrity and unwavering dedication to our clients, RBC has consistently earned high credit ratings.1

  • Moody's Aa1 and A1 / stable4
  • Standard & Poor's AA- and A / stable4
  • Fitch Ratings AA2 and AA-3 / stable4

Additionally, RBC has a reputation of strength and stability with a high-quality balance sheet, proactive risk management and a strong liquidity position.

Financial security begins by building a plan you can trust

At RBC Wealth Management, we understand your financial goals are unique — that’s why we provide customized advice. No matter where you are in life, you can depend on our investment management expertise to build a plan that helps you achieve your financial goals. Explore my website to learn more about our customizable solutions designed to strengthen your financial security.

Create your retirement paycheck

RBC Retirement Paycheck Wealth Insights ReportA personalized retirement income plan can give you confidence and clarity by identifying your assets and available sources of income - along with their tax implications - to help create a secure retirement paycheck. In this Wealth Insights guide we’ll help you create your personalized retirement paycheck.

Download the RBC Retirement Paycheck Wealth Insights guide

Taking control of health care in retirement

Wealth Insights Report: taking control of health care in retirementThis Wealth Insights report features actionable recommendations, helpful checklists and healthy best practices to help you make the most of every stage of your life as you age.

Download Taking Control of Health Care in Retirement Wealth Insights guide

Making an impact

Wealth Insights Report cover image - charitable giving: realizing your vision for a better world.Planning your family’s legacy with informed choices about the organizations you want to support and checking that your donations are used appropriately may be time-consuming and complicated. I am available to help your family plan for your philanthropic goals and align your values with your wealth so you can support the causes that are close to your heart. 

Download RBC Wealth Management's charitable giving wealth insights report

Explore our Women's Workbook

Women and wealth workbook coverWe’ve created a practical guide designed to comprehensively assess your financial health and identify actionable steps you can take to build more confidence in your plans for tomorrow. The workbook also contains several hands-on worksheets you can use to write your own financial story.

Download the women and wealth wealth insights guide


The millennial mindset

Rewriting retirement Cover imageWhen it comes to finances, millennials tend to prioritize planning for long-term wealth, making a difference in the world and retiring early, according to a recent RBC Wealth Management survey. Read the survey report to learn more about the millennial mindset. 

Wealth insights guide for young professionals

Young Professionals GuideToday’s young professionals face many challenges when it comes to building wealth. RBC Wealth Management's guide on money matters for young professionals is designed to help young adults master the fundamentals of saving and investing, with insights into how to control debt, build a wealth plan and prepare for a more secure tomorrow.

Download Money matters for young professionals wealth insights guide

Write your personal retirement story

Rewriting retirement Cover imageAccess Rewriting Retirement to explore strategies and tactics for growing a nest egg, planning for longevity, and maximizing Social Security benefits. Rewriting Retirement also contains a checklist of actions for various stages in your destination as you transition to retirement and beyond. Contact me to help you prepare for your next chapter.

The financial impact of dementia

Cover art - Preparing for the expected The financial impact of cognitive decline workbookAlzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline have a devastating impact not just on those with disease.  It’s also a physical, emotional and financial burden on caregivers – a job that usually falls on family members.  

In this Wealth Insights Report, we surveyed 1,000 current and former caregivers of family members to gain insights into the impact of cognitive decline on their loved ones – and to better understand the financial burden associated with caregiving.

Learn more

Introducing RBC Total Wealth

RBC Total Wealth is a way to view your complete financial picture. See your RBC accounts—along with your accounts at other financial institutions you choose to add—–in one convenient place. Access Total Wealth by selecting Sign in above to log into your accounts and then choose Add External Accounts. It’s a simple and secure way to keep your financial life connected to your everyday life.

Having a trusted contact person is important

If we think you may be a victim of fraud, we will contact you. Fast action can help resolve issues quickly. A trusted contact person is someone you authorize us to contact in limited circumstances, such as if we're unable to reach you and have concerns about activity in your account. This person should be someone you trust, such as a family member, friend or professional (such as your attorney). Your trusted contact person will not be an authorized party on your accounts and your account details will not be shared with them. 

Connect with me today to add a trusted contact person to your account.

Taking required minimum distributions

If you invest in traditional IRAs or employer-sponsored retirement savings plans, it’s important to know that they are not shielded from taxes indefinitely. When you reach age 73, you must take required minimum distributions (RMDs) to avoid tax penalties. Contact me today to learn more about your options.

Are you due for an insurance review?

When is the last time you have had your life insurance policy reviewed? There have been significant shifts in the insurance industry to accommodate important changes like the increasing life expectancy of our population, the reduced use of tobacco products, and significant advancements in medicine.

RBC Wealth Management has resources that provide a no cost, no obligation review of life insurance policies. Together with the firm’s internal professionals, we will review your policy to help confirm it is still adequate for your needs and overall financial goals. Contact me if you are interested in a complimentary insurance policy review.

Protecting you and your loved ones

As seniors age, they may become more vulnerable to financial abuse. Age-related mental decline and dementia, as well as becoming more isolated, can cause seniors to make costly financial mistakes. I can provide tips and guidance helping to safeguard you, your family and your assets from financial fraud and abuse.

Contact me today to discuss ways I can help protect you and your family from financial exploitation.

Why investors choose RBC Wealth Management

At RBC Wealth Management, we’re proud to be one of the largest full-service securities firms in the nation. There are thousands of investment firms to choose from out there, but investors pick us because we offer a comprehensive approach to wealth management and world-class investment solutions. Moreover, we have a reputation for integrity and reliability.

Will Social Security be there for you?

Like most people, you probably have a lot of questions about the role Social Security will play in your retirement. The answers to these questions depend largely on your earning history and when you plan to start taking benefits. Understanding the concepts behind Social Security can help you make well-informed decisions that will optimize the amount and timing of your benefits and the impact on your overall retirement plan. For more information, review the Social security fundamentals white paper or contact me to discuss your retirement plan.

When to start taking Social Security benefits

Social Security can be an important part of your retirement income stream. The decision about when to begin taking the benefits you have earned may have important consequences. Start them early and your monthly income will be lower than if you wait until your full retirement age. Delay them and your monthly “paycheck” will be larger. Please contact me for help determining when it may be appropriate for you to start taking social security benefits and to explore strategies for maximizing benefits for married couples.

Planning for your goals while preparing for the unexpected

Insurance is foundational to your financial health and well-being. As you consider life insurance options, it’s important to have a protection strategy based on your current situation, and flexible enough to change over time. As your financial advisor, I can help you assess and manage your protection needs, and determine the steps we need to take to safeguard what is most important to you. Together, we can protect you and your loved ones from financial hardship, should the unexpected occur. Contact me today for a complementary protection consultation.

Prepare for the unexpected

When unforeseen or sudden events happen, whether it’s a business opportunity, a family emergency or even a natural disaster, consider an RBC Credit Access Line, through the Royal Bank of Canada, for flexible financing and immediate access to liquidity when you need it most. This short-term, securities-based line of credit allows you to use your investments as collateral and borrow money instead of selling your assets. Contact me today to learn more about RBC Credit Access Line and be prepared for the unexpected.


Wondering what to do with excess 529 savings?

If you’ve saved diligently for a family-member’s education—and he or she does not need help funding education expenses—the 529 Plan savings can still be used without tax penalties. You could transfer funds to another child, to a niece/nephew or a grandchild. Or, see if room, board and textbook costs can be covered. You might even be able to pay for college credits for a qualifying gap year program. Contact me to discuss your education savings options in more detail.

Customized solutions for business owners

As a business owner, you have a complex financial life. Each day you have to balance the demand to grow your business with making sound financial decisions for your company and your family. And with a significant portion of your personal wealth most likely concentrated in your business, you need a personalized plan that will work for you. That’s why at RBC Wealth Management, we offer a set of business owner solutions that can be customized to meet your needs. Whether you are dealing with issues like cash management, retirement plans, personal investments, or business succession planning, I am committed to working with you, your business and your family in a way that simplifies your decisions and your financial life. Contact me today to discover how I can be of service to you.

RBC Echelon distinctive wealth solutions

Through RBC Echelon, we provide business owners, corporate executives and wealthy families customized strategies and bespoke solutions to grow, preserve and make an impact with their wealth over generations. It's where your wealth takes you that matters, and RBC Echelon understands that being wealthy is only the beginning.

Let's take the next step together

I welcome you to experience the RBC Wealth Management difference yourself. Contact me today to set up a meeting.

Take the next step

Whether you're a current client who would like to review your portfolio, a prospective client that would like to learn more about our approach, or an advisor who wants to join an industry leader, we want to hear from you. Please click contact us to set up a meeting.

Prosper US cover image

Read the latest stories from the women of RBC in Prosper•US

The Fall 2024 issue of RBC Wealth Management’s Prosper·US magazine is filled with inspiring stories for and about women. Read how our firm goes to bat for female athletes, our commitment to fraud and scam prevention and how one colleague’s ski patrol journey helps her maintain joy on the slopes and in the office. Plus, find tips to handle changes that may affect tax planning, health and wellness resources, and more. 

Students in classroom

Resources to help young people learn about money management

To help prepare young people for building a secure financial future and avoid potentially dangerous mistakes, they need easy access to knowledge that's relevant to them. That's why we've collaborated with EVERFI®, an education technology company to provide timely and engaging resources.

Learn more

Twin Cities Best of Business 2024 winner logoTwin Cities Business 2024

RBC Wealth Management was voted a winner in the best wealth management firm category, recognizing our abiding commitment to customers, exceptional service and ability to execute.

Parade of rainbow flags

Celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride

I am proud of my firm’s ongoing support of the LGBTQ+ community, both internally and in our community. For the 14th year, RBC Wealth Management–U.S. was recognised by the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index 2023 with a top score on the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equity.

Contact me to learn more about our commitment to equal rights for all, or if I can help you plan for and achieve your goals as an LGBTQ+ individual, couple or family.

2024 Tuition Madness

Are you planning ahead for the win?

Check out the  2024 Tuition madness brackets, which feature the projected four-year tuition costs for each team in the NCAA men's  and women's basketball tournaments. Any surprises? Let's discuss your education funding goals today.

Seeing opportunity in challenges

Life is unpredictable, so we help you plan for the challenges that come your way. Like in the game of golf, seeing challenges as opportunities and remaining calm under pressure help drive success.

Contact me  to help you see things differently and tee up your financial goals.

Proud to be an official partner of Major League Soccer in the United States

Feel the excitement in the air as we celebrate the kick-off of another Major League Soccer season! Are you ready to raise your scarves up?

How will you bring your ideas to life?

You have ideas for your future. Ideas for making a difference or being somewhere different. Ideas for sustaining a family legacy or taking a sustained journey. Let’s talk about where your ideas will take you.

Learn about Fixed Income Advantage at RBC Wealth Management

Watch our video to learn what really differentiates RBC Wealth Management from the rest of the industry in providing clients with access to our Fixed Income Advantage program.

With change comes questions

See the impact of your money decisions before you make them, with RBC WealthPlan.

Speak up for inclusion

When that little voice in your head tells you to stay silent, it’s time to find yours and use it to speak up for inclusion.

RBC Wealth Management Online

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Power, storage, and electrification: A revolution

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As burgeoning demand and innovation transform the energy landscape, we examine key trends that are likely to shape the future of renewable power and industrial electrification.

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What you can do to mitigate tax surprises every year

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Professional advice is essential for complex financial situations—a tax surprise can hit at any time.

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Sam Burns crouching on golf course

We see things differently

On the green successful golfers take unique approaches to each shot. When it comes to your financial future, I take a unique method to envisioning your customized approach. You'll receive dependable guidance to help you achieve your wealth goals.  Contact me today to learn more.

How RBC Wealth Management keeps you safe

A top priority for RBC Wealth Management is protecting the security of information we have about you. Our cybersecurity team is dedicated to maintaining security safeguards to protect you and allow you to have access to our services without interruption. Learn more.

Be cyber aware

In today's digitally connected world, not everyone is who they claim to be. That’s why we are committed to helping our clients learn how to protect themselves and their data. Learn more.

How to protect yourself in the event of a data breach

Data breaches are worrisome and frustrating, not knowing if — or when — your information may be used by thieves. Taking these steps can help you regain a sense of control and may help safeguard your personal and financial information. Read more.

Client risk prevention

Identity theft. Fraud. Scams. Seniors and vulnerable adults may be victimized in many ways. At RBC Wealth Management, we are committed to protecting you and the people you care about from these risks. Please contact me for more information and help determining next steps for your personal situation.

Protect what’s important to you

Your needs for financial protection are an ever-changing story. Now is a great opportunity for us to discuss how we can strategize your wealth planning for today’s and future generations. Between life, long-term care, and disability insurance options, you have several ways to protect your legacy for your loved ones. Contact me today to review which insurance options are appropriate for you and your family.

Global Insight Monthly

Global Insight Monthly cover - February 2025

Tariffs can have many economic impacts, but we think investors should focus on the economic and political goals that are driving decision-making. Read the Global Insight Monthly »

Not all lessons happen in the classroom

It’s not always easy to talk about your finances, especially with your children. But knowing how to manage their money wisely is a critical skill for their futures—and one often not taught at school. We can offer you smart tips and strategies for how to make sure your children learn the skills they need to manage their money wisely. Contact us today to learn how to give your children a head start on financial success.

Take control of health care in retirement

No matter what you want your money to help you accomplish in life, planning for health care expenses in retirement is essential. Download Taking Control of Health Care in Retirement to learn more about the steps we can take together to help you prepare for a long, happy—and healthy—retirement.

Turn your financial goals into reality

I help create financial security and peace of mind for individuals, families and businesses by providing a high level of service that meets and often exceeds their expectations. Investors benefit from my customized approach to wealth management because it helps address their current financial needs and achieve their long-term financial goals. I also work closely with my clients’ tax and legal advisors to coordinate the most efficient and effective means for turning financial goals and dreams into reality. Please contact me today to discuss how I can be of service to you.

Financial security doesn’t happen by chance

No matter where you are in life, or what your needs are, you can depend on our expertise to build a customized plan for your specific financial goals. Contact me today to learn more about our customizable solutions designed to help you strengthen your financial security.

Gain financial flexibility

Be prepared for many of your financing needs by opening an RBC Credit Access Line. With no cost to set up, no ongoing fees, competitive interest rates and favorable terms, it may be a practical tool to help accomplish your immediate and long-term goals. Contact me today to explore this potentially untapped source of opportunity.